17 Фев. 2015 г.
White balance gopro
By playing around with the aperture and the white balance, you can make day appear to be night indoors.
Cameras try, andsometimes succeed in producing the rightcolor in AWB (auto white balance) but mostof the times they FAIL.
The electronic color equalizer in this circuit however, isn’t as impressive as the one humans inherited from their ancestors between the ears. This was shot outside on an cloudy day.2500 K 2800 K 3050 K 3350 K 3850 K 4050 K4450 K 4750 K 5550 K 5900 K 6150K 6200 K6650 K 7250 K 8000 KCorrect NaturalExposure for thisimage. Now let me explain how you can use your camera’s white balance function to your advantage.
Custom WB is an idealway to handle a scene that presents mixed lighting—fluorescent lights in the ceiling and daylight streaming through awindow, for example—because it takes into account all the lighting in the scene. It may be enhancing the mood, for example making the video yellowish or redder in the outdoors to portray a warm feel.
Understanding how to set white balance and how you can manipulate white balance will help you become a better videographer and photographer. The different colors of white light are not seen by us because our brain is able to rapidly compensate for the change in color. Also known as manual white balance, you fill your video camera’s viewfinder with a white object under the same challenging lighting conditions. Below is a chart showing the different color temperatures at different times of day and under different lighting conditions. By pressing the appropriate button, your camcorder will scrutinize the light passing through the lens and adapt to the new lighting conditions. The camera will read and lock in the color temperature of the light reflected from that card,and that locked-in reading now becomes the standard for the camera’s white balance setting.
Occasionally however, challenging lighting conditions will pose a threat to a good video with an automatic white balance setting.
In some circumstances, you might intentionally want the video to have a tint to your preference. Continuous auto sees the light passing through the lens and tries to distinguish what kind of light is reflected off the surface of the object.
The colors you see are from the absorption of the other colors by the object and reflecting the mixture of colors which you see with your eyes.
In just a few seconds, an equalized color balance is achieved giving exceptionally accurate color tones. For instance, manual white balance a colored object to give an opposite tint to your video. The goal of white balance is to make sure that colors are rendered correctly like the image on the right. It usually seems like the recording was shot through a lightly tinted sheet, making the colors duller and less vibrant. Most of the time, the automatic setting is relatively reliable in providing accurate color. Using the Kelvin setting you can fine tunethose colors to your definition of “accurate,” or skew the colors to reflect your choice of the scene’s mood and feeling.Custom White Balance - With that option selected, hold a white card or pure white object in front of the lens andpress the shutter button.