26 Мар. 2015 г.
Gopro hd hero3
For those still flying with the AV out of a HD camera, please don't, it is an accident waiting to happen, please install a separate CCTV camera. Even if your card is full you will still able able to fly unless you're a dumbass that can't see. At a San Francisco launch event GoPro has just revealed the next addition to its line of action cameras, the Hero3. I use slo mo quite a bit in my work and after the disappointment of not seeing 1080p 60fps with the new Canon EOS 5D Mark III, I was delighted to see it on the Go Pro HD Hero 3.
The trouble with the Hero 2 was that I had to choose one or the other depending on the shoot. New cards required, and make them class 10 or higher as larger resolutions and quicker frame rates won’t work so well with slower cards. I kdyz kamera vazi bez obalu pouhych 73 gramu, s obalem pak o neco malo vice, prece jen je pohyb po svahu pro drzak cca 10 cm precnivajici predmet vcelku brutalni zalezitost. After working on these pics in Photoshop, amazingly the image pulled from HD footage was way better than that of the 12mp still!
Flying Monkey17th October 2012, 11:34 AMTrappy, please tell me that TBS did the aerial shots in the gp3 promo vid!!! SENTRY17th October 2012, 12:53 PMTrappy, please tell me that TBS did the aerial shots in the gp3 promo vid!!! Flying Monkey17th October 2012, 12:20 PMGrab a HERO or HERO2 and you probably won't notice a difference, except in your savings account.
Carbon17th October 2012, 01:31 PMThe biggest flaw in the Hero 3 is that normal people don't have the video editing capacity on their computers to edit 1080p 60fps and such. Regarding your other comment, you don't want to get yourself into a stupid internet battle!
Zadny zbytecny balast navic, GoPro razi v teto oblasti sympaticke motto rychle a efektivne. CaliDave17th October 2012, 12:55 AMWell, this time last year I had just received a GP1 for my B-Day from my girlfriend, and then out came GP2. Well, I for one, sometimes stabilize my footage in post production and by doing this, you need to crop out some of the image. Pokud vas fascinuji extremni sporty a mate radi adrenalin, je GoPro urcite dobra investice. My first thoughts when I took the Go Pro HD Hero from the box were “that is small”! I know that the ProTune firmware provides a flat image that can be graded in post, but I've read nothing about producing an unfocused (or less focused) image. You'll then quickly realize that what I am suggesting is that it is perfectly fine to have a HD camera on the plane, but you should always be using a separate CCD or CMOS camera to pilot it. Protune not only renders a very flat image but does not sharpen in the camera as the typical 17 mbps does.
Now you can figure out yourself what happens if the HD camera shuts down and the plane is well beyond LOS, in the interest of safety (yes, it WILL crash somewhere) and being responsible about this hobby, it thus makes perfect sense to always use a seperate camera. I don't exactly fly over trees and open fields on a regular basis (no skyscrapers were harmed in the making of that video). Pri stisku horniho nataceciho tlacitka uslysite jedno pipnuti a zacnete natacet ve zvolenem modu. Maybe it got the same size as the old one with the battery bacpack, that would be a big win!! The Gopro Hero3 doesn't support a 3.5mm video output cable so making the cable will be harder to make and bulky.
Of course, like its predecessor, you can also operate the HD Hero 3 via your smartphone, Android or IOS. K tomu prispiva i naprosto ucelovy cernobily displej, ktery zobrazi jen par kratkych radku toho duleziteho. FPVLAB22nd October 2012, 03:55 PMNo - RCG doesn't handle anything - if they did FPVLAB wouldn't exist. The waterproof remote control unit comes with the Go Pro HD Hero 3 so no extra purchase is necessary although the Hero 3 is substantially more expensive than the Hero 2. When shooting 1080p footage, this means when I render out, I either need to render to 720p or lose some clarity and detail at 1080p.
Ke vsem kameram dostavate v baleni vodeodolne pouzdro a vsechny dokazi komunikovat bud s chytrym telefonem nebo s dalkovym ovladacem pres Wi-Fi.
That is why I have or had a GoPro1, GoPro2, Contour GPS, Contour+2, Replay XD and a Sony XDR-AS15. The GoPro HERO3 Silver edition, is fitted with a 11 megapixel sensor has been created specifically for recording action sports,and is equipped with a waterproof housing that will protect the camera to depths of 197 feet, and allows it to record video in 1080p at 30fps, 960p, 720p, and 480p. MASHTON113816th October 2012, 11:55 PMI read it will have 3 price points from $199 to $299.
It's not to say you can't fly from just the GoPro (I have done so a few times) but it is safer and more reliable to fly from a separate camera.
Next thing was to try the camera out real-time which leads me neatly into the rest of this hands on review. Bohuzel u FullHD videa YouTube trochu snizil kvalitu, v plne originalni kvalite si jej muzete stahnout zde.
Obviously smaller than the Hero and Hero 2 casings but now fashioned with a nice flat port for the lens which will allow for much clearer, sharper footage underwater. Speaking of, girlfriend should be landing in San Diego soon, calling to say HI and then I'm out the door with the GP's to go flying! 2) Do NOT power any mission critical component from a battery that you can't monitor in real time. Spy22nd October 2012, 06:59 AMYou don't want live video out as stupid people will be using it to pilot their FPV planes with, that's just a big no-no, I hate repeating myself over-and-over-and-over-and-over again but do not pilot any HD plane off of the AV-out of a HD camera! Go to Go Pro’s website for more information on those (personally, I would stump up the extra cash for the Black Edition…oh yes, I did)! Ovladac ma dve tlacitka, stejne oznacena jako na kamere a stejny jednoduchy cernobily displej.
Well, as you saw above, the 4k cin Pro Tune mode is good for pulling stills and also gives you 12fps. It means to me that 720p is still the best mode (specially that you get slowmo at 720p that starts to be pretty damn good at this amount of fps). The Silver Edition maxes out at 11MP stills and 1080p30 video, while the White Edition drops down to 5MP stills. What happens next is that due to severe ego brushing and flashbacks to warnings given to them by the kind folks at FPVLAB they will start blaming everything BUT the camera. I thought the same thing until I saw the snow blowing from the rotor blades, looks like two standard helicopters.
The company is run by CEO Nicholas Woodman and around 300 employees, many of which are extreme sports fanatics which is great as they are able to give hands on and credible feedback to each new camera as it is released.
Stribrna edice vynika predevsim rezimem foceni 11Mpx fotoaparatem, ale velke veci se zacinaji dit az v nejvyssi cerne verzi. The 4K video a GoPro Hero3 records will probably not be viewable on your, or anyone you know's TV set unless it is scaled down significantly. Jednotlive produkty se lisi v rozliseni nahravek a take v nejvyssi dosazitelne frekvenci snimku v jednotlivych modech. To each his own - and I hope that all of you guys are successful no matter what camera you fly through. Spy22nd October 2012, 06:41 AMYou idiots who still fly with CCTV cameras are wasting your time and money on those cameras. GoPro aplikace pro iOS a Android umi zjistit stav baterie, aktualne pouzivany mod a take dokaze ovladat nahravani vcetne preview modu.
Nevyhoda tohoto obalu je jednoznacne zvukovy zaznam - pres kryt nebude temer nic slyset, kdyz uz neco tak velmi tlumene. The new HD GoPro Hero 3 action camera are now half the size of its predecessor Hero 2 and are equipped with built-in Wi-Fi technology. I have found that you really need to shoot stills in a well and uniformly lit environment to get the most out of it. Colors are all post processed and the definition is still not up to what I would expect from 1080p.
I am only going to review the Black Edition Go Pro HD hero 3 here as that is what I have but please not that there are two cheaper editions, the Silver and the White Go Pro’s, that also have lesser specifications.
Note that, uhm, I think you're generally giving great advices, running a great forum, and indeed, one shouldn't fly with the GP if they don't know any better.
It is about safety and acting responsibly, primarily towards others, nobody wants to be hit in the head by your Skywalker that flies of into the sunset because the HD camera suddenly shuts down. Dobre vlastnosti lepicich podlozek podporuji mekke polstarky, ktere dovoli podlozce dobre prilnout i k nepravidelne plose napriklad vidlice.
I've tried do play with four 720p60 GoPro streams previously (Motorsport event, one car, four GoPros HD originals) and it was a nightmare.
Zeeflyboy22nd October 2012, 05:58 AMSander is many things to many people, however inexperienced and an idiot he is not. This means you can add the extra battery pack AND have Wi-Fi without having to make the compromise. Stiskem postranniho tlacitka zapnete na kamere Wi-Fi a pokud blika modre svetylko, vse je pripraveno k pripojeni. Scotttu17th October 2012, 12:06 PMTrappy, please tell me that TBS did the aerial shots in the gp3 promo vid!!! An ACTION CAM that doesn't handle vibrations 100% of the time does not get front and center on my rigs bc aircraft ummm VIBRATE. You can elect whoever you'd like to be the most dominant and successful pilots on the planet, that's a personal choice. Lets all try to use some common sense here, especially when the facts are staring you right in the face. Ian Davidson17th October 2012, 06:50 AMHmm, no dimensional or weight info on the GoPro site yet (that I can see) - still seems to have AV out though!
CaliDave18th October 2012, 06:34 PM^ In Hollywood you can get girls to do anything in their underwear in front of a camera. 25% lighter could be mint, don't think I'll fork out $399 for the black, even though 720p120 is pretty enticing. I pri znacnych otresech se nam kamera nepohnula, coz se neda rict o primontovatelnych kloubech, ktere se pri jizde po hrbolech pohybuji a kamera se nakonec "zklepe" az k podlozce, tohle mohlo byt lepe dotazene (mozna by to vyresil srobouvak, tezko rict, jezdili jsme bez kloubu).
I'm beginning to wonder if Scott returned that Tricopter to the rightful owner or not - I need to investigate this one further. Well, it will come as no surprise to you that as a manufacturer of FPV equipment we get a lot of user feedback, in the top 10 list of common failures in flight is flying from the AV out of a HD camera. Imagine post-stabilizing footage and it still comes out in 1080p and still with room to zoom in. Kamerka se ovlada opravdu jednoduse, za chvilku si zvyknete na jeji komunikaci a bohate se obejdete bez displeje. I can’t believe that Go Pro have packed so much into this tiny little camera which is about the same size as a matchbox, it is now 30% smaller, 25% lighter and 2x more powerful and it shows.
Obe zarizeni jednoduse a rychle naparujete podle navodu a muzete vesele ovladat kameru ze vzdalenosti nekolika metru.
If you use a larger image size for time lapse, you have more room to zoom in and out during processing to give a great impression of camera skill and trickery even when the film is processed at 1080p…nice. You guys should know that I would have banned him by now - I run a tight ship - we know that - and it's fun and friendly. The most dominant and successful FPV pilots on the planet all agree about this one (for the most part) and they don't even live in the same countries.
Even Felix Baumgartner had one strapped inside his Space-Suit when he leapt 128,100 feet back to Earth from Space in October 2012. Mimo to se v aplikaci dozvite pocet nahranych videi a kolik zbyva casu pro nahravani videa a foceni fotek. If you are doing time lapse, you only need to use the 5mp setting unless you really want the wide angle. Having the Wi-Fi built in to the already tiny body will be a bonus for those wanting to keep the camera as small and light as possible.
Flying Monkey18th October 2012, 01:28 PMI honestly don't understand all the people complaining about the 4k. Rada kamer GoPro HD Hero3 nabizi tri hlavni edice – bilou(white), stribrnou (silver) a cernou (black). However, this camera does have a tiny sensor and packing 12mp into that sensor should tell you not to expect great things as a photographer from this camera.
Potapet se s Hero3 muzete az do sedesati metru a podvodni zabery ve vysokem rozliseni jsou skutecne uzasne.
Do redakce nam dorazila veskrze extremni kamerka GoPro HD Hero3 cerna edice urcena amaterum i profikum v nejruznejsich sportech.
Princip lepeni ve me vyvolal na prvni pohled znacnou neduveru, prece jen neni uplne mila vec, kdyz vam kamera za 11 tisic byt v ochrannem obalu spadne ve vysoke rychlosti v lepsim pripade na asfalt, v horsim nekam do udoli.
Baterie vydrzi zhruba 1,5 hodiny cisteho nahravani, coz na nekolikahodinovy vylet vetsinou bohate postaci. At 15fps you odviously wouldn't use it for video at its recorded speed, but you could double the speed for effect AND still add post-stabilization AND crop the frame aesthetically AND still have a decent 1080p output. Also, shooting at 2.7k 30fps will be exciting as it will allow me to stabilize or crop footage and still get to 1080p resolution. Spy22nd October 2012, 05:50 AMAnyone who flies with a separate camera while using a gopro is a moron and clearing This ^ IDIOT is inexperienced not to trust the gropro live feed video out. There are enough occurences on RCG and GoProForums for me to make the best decision FOR ME with risk-accessment in mind.
Ve chvili, kdy si na signalizaci zvyknete, nemusite se na kameru behem pouzivani vubec divat a muzete se koncentrovat i na pomerne narocne operace. Flying Monkey18th October 2012, 06:35 PM^ In Hollywood you can get girls to do anything in their underwear in front of a camera.
Unfortunately - if it's my primary flight cam I want my $X,XXX PLANE to make it home and not crash through some ladies windshield as it falls out of the sky. I always fly in LOS of my spotter and yes I fly 2.4 RC ( Dont laugh I have a new build coming) so I make sure to stay well within my limits with this setup cause I have not had the time or the money to plunge into making a full fpv plane with redundant cameras.
Marketingovy trhak - 4K (15 fps) video je spise experimentalni, velka vetsina dnesnich monitoru stejne tak vysoke rozliseni nezvladne. 
SENTRY22nd October 2012, 04:39 PMI was offended by this comment so I started to voice my opinion.
SkinWalk3r21st October 2012, 10:47 PMYou don't want live video out as stupid people will be using it to pilot their FPV planes with, that's just a big no-no, I hate repeating myself over-and-over-and-over-and-over again but do not pilot any HD plane off of the AV-out of a HD camera! New advanced camera settings: Looping video, Continuous Photo, Manual White Balance control, Protune Mode, allows to shoot photos while recording video and more. Flying Monkey22nd October 2012, 04:20 PMI'm about to turn his 15 minutes of fame into a year of fame.
I can safely say, judging by the results, that the narrow view footage is just as clear as the wide footage…nice one! Please go back to doing the below illustrated, frankly I think you have set a new record for posting the most nonsense with a new user account, congrats! Pro skutecne pomale zobrazeni napriklad dlouhych a plynulych letu sportovce pri skoku poslouzi asi nejlepe mod 720p pri 120 fps, ktery vam umozni video znatelne zpomalit pri zachovani vysoke kvality. The only real advantage would be to see the exact view that the GoPro is getting at the time. Po zapnuti prednim tlacitkem vas system privita tremi pipnutimi, ktere jsou dostatecne slyset pres vodotesny a prachotesny obal natoz kdyz obal na kamere nemate.
I ordered and have now received a 32GB SanDisk Ultra Micro SDHC-1 Class 10 card from Amazon and will be using that from now on.
I know youtube has a experimental 'custom resolution' feature that lets you upload crazily huge resolution files and play them back in greater than 1080p res.
If I need to explain why you clearly are not as experienced as you pretend to be with the above quoted comment. The Hero3 claims specs that are 30 percent smaller and 25 percent lighter than its predecessor, with a resolution that's up to 4x higher and it has WiFi included.
Type Go Pro into YouTube and you will see footage from skydivers, scuba divers, snow-boarders, skiers, surfers, bikers, drivers, mountain bikers and many more sports people. In fact, the average user's computer monitor probably doesn't reach the necessary 3840 x 2160 resolution to display 4K at full-size. Ian Davidson17th October 2012, 02:39 AMI wonder if it will still be compatible with the current fpvmanuals LayerLens.
I still have 720p TVs at home, because my viewing distance doesn't require anything higher. Protune couldn’t exist as just a log curve applied upon the existing HERO2 image processing pipeline, we had to increase the bit-rate so that all the details of the wider dynamic range image could be preserved. Other than the possible 1080p slomo benefit I don't see any upgrade for FPVers gotten by buying the black edition over the silver edition. Kdyz jsem ale videl preciznost celeho zarizeni, veril jsem, ze GoPro takovou vec nepodceni.
I funkcemi nejmene vybavena bila edice vsak zvladne 1080p video pri 30 fps, 720p video pak pri 60 fps, coz neni spatne. With all this said can anyone answer my question with something a little more positive then what Mr. It's about other people reading the back and forth and seeing things that they prob didn't know beforehand. Here's why: video is too shaky at 1080 30fps most of the time, and I never watch any youtube videos on 1080, always 720 so I don't have to wait for it to buffer. For more information jump over to the goPro website for technical specifications on all three GoPro Hero 3 action cameras announced this week. Proper flight planning and risk assessment is as much a part of this hobby as making sure your batteries are charged.
Once you get used to it…a piece of cake and quite reassuring although admittedly I have never had a problem with the old housings. That means 1080p60, 1440p48 and 720p120 modes are supported for your super slow and still-HD capture needs.
But honestly 4k at 12fps is not going to be used often, definitely cool for timelapse videos. As a stills camera, and after taking a few shots, I can take it or leave it…too random in its exposures and white balance for me although it works brilliantly as a time lapse camera. Built-in Wi-Fi enables remote control via included Wi-Fi Remote or live video preview and remote control on Smartphones and tablets running the free GoPro app.
The GoPro has the most such cases reported, but then the established user base of the GoPro is enormous, so that isn't surprising. Only experienced pilots that fly with the Gropro Live feed can accomplish this without using cheap chinese security cams.
So, if you were at an event with fast action, you are better off shooting at 15fps 4k and pulling stills in my opinion. Granted, you're introducing a new point of failure in the switch, but it's a pretty simple circuit, and the cost of that redundancy is much cheaper than replacing a lost plane! You idiots keep preaching about how great these cameras are and should be banned for flying. In contrast, x264 (arguably the best encoder) at 1080p from similar sources, looks a lot better (and is also a lot slower.. Whether you are an extreme sports fan, amateur videographer or professional imaging geek, this camera should find its way into your kit bag at some point…it would be rude not to! Supposedly it's 30% smaller, 25% lighter, faster, works much better in low light and does 4k at 15fps, 2.7k at 30fps, 1080p at 60fps, and 720p at 120fps. I also have some crazy, inspirational and off-the-wall ideas for the future using my Go Pros. I'll have the hero2, as-10 and most likely one of these pointing every which way off em to capture more than just the front view so i'll have some comparisons for you,,, like in a couple weeks. I merely point out that, while interesting, 4k video serves little purpose, and the real factors to decide whether to buy a GoPro 3 should be low light handling, 60 and 120 fps, which do have an impact on the video you will actually see.
This was achieved by taking 30 images and then performing ancient skulduggery in Photoshop. Also, check out any episode of Top Gear in the UK and you will more than likely see a Go Pro attached to one of the cars as it speeds around their track. Pokud potrebujete zaznamenavat i zvuk, avsak stale chcete chranit kameru proti padum, muzete vymenit zadni kryt ochranneho obalu za jiny (take v baleni), ktery ma v sobe dve velke diry.
What I think could be very interesting about this camera is how it handles in low light and the higher frame rate.
Zalozil ji Nick Woodman za ucelem vyroby kamer pro surfare, ale dnes je rozsirena take mezi automobilovymi zavodniky, snowboardisty a dalsimi sportovci. Spy22nd October 2012, 03:17 PMIf you talking about safety you shouldn't be flying over buildings and cars with those cheap security cameras. Presto si myslim, ze nahravani zvuku by nemelo byt primarni duvod koupe takove kamery a ve vetsine pripadu se nejspis bez nej obejdete uplne. All I would like to see now is live streaming added as a possible firmware upgrade at some point like the top of the range Contour. Proste vse, co byste od spravneho ovladace cekali, funkcionalita tlacitek je proto naprosto identicka (vcetne vypnuti kamery).
One of the first things I wanted to try, much like many who will buy this camera, was the 4k video albeit shooting at just 15fps. I fly with my gopro on my quad but that craft never goes out more than 500 meters and I was doing everything to lose weight on the damn thing. After reading stories of how the old rear case once came undone and a naked Hero 2 fell to earth from 10,000 feet (and survived), I was pleased to see that there is now a 2-point mechanism for opening the rear door.
I have read in a few forums that people are saying the difference in low light is barely noticeable and not worth the upgrade and cost. I see and understand Ssassen's point and will post my crash for him to laugh at when my gopro turns my plane into a lawn dart. I suspect this is because in order to get such fast fps, a fast shutter speed is needed which will produce darker images once the aperture is wide open in certain lighting conditions…I think. Here is some more footage of the camera attached to the front of my car in very low light at dusk in Weymouth. I will get one of these and the good news is I'm now acquiring them faster than I'm killing them.
I spent 2004 - 2010 working at Cheyenne Mountain (etherpeek - carnivore - and a few more apps that you've never heard of) - while I don't miss working in the intelligence sector, I also can't UN-know what know ( i was trained well ).
Not only that, but the addition of 720p at 120fps and WVGA at 240 fps had me hitting the “buy now” button quicker than a rat up a drainpipe!
Unfortunately RCG of all places if full of these idiots that think a HD camera is a perfectly fine piloting camera. There's a button to turn wifi off and there's an analog video out, but I don't know if that's live out. I honestly think I could use this little camera for ad-hoc, quick blog entries without the hassle of setting up all my usual kit. You have to remember a HD camera is a complex beast and the AV-out is somewhere near the bottom of the list of priorities for it. The protune FW does not effect focus but simply does not apply as much sharpening within the camera and allows you full control in post. Martin Szy19th October 2012, 02:02 AMWell, this time last year I had just received a GP1 for my B-Day from my girlfriend, and then out came GP2. Well, I have done a quick comparison in the video below to show just how different these two cameras are. All three versions include WiFi (no BacPac necessary for remote control via the app) however the Black edition includes a remote that can control up to 50 cameras at once with a 600ft range and is waterproof to 10 feet deep. There are about 10 - 15 examples of this happening - the most recent for FPV being on RCG IIRC. The flagship action cam of the range is the GoPro Hero 3 Black edition, is capable of capturing both 4 K and 2.7 K video resolutions. V praxi to znamena, ze s lehkym zpozdenim (cca 2-3 sekundy) uvidite vsechno, co vidi GoPro a to dokonce i v portrait rezimu a slusne kvalite. This is the latest offering from a dynamic company that started 10 years ago with a vision of creating the world’s most versatile camera, and I think they are just about there!
There are records of them shutting down at room temperature - as well as shut downs around 80 degrees. I would rather pick stills from footage and use those for the web than use the camera in most instances. FPVLAB22nd October 2012, 04:12 PMHeading home to MY computer lab - I won't access most of my tools from work computer.
Alas, the only Micro SD card I had at first was a puny 2GB class 6 card which wouldn’t allow more than a few seconds recording at these super high resolutions.
For me, the image pulled from footage is much more useable than the actual still image in some cases (which also has some purple fringing) as there is more detail all round…food for thought! 1080p at 60fps is a long awaited feature but the avg joe watching you on youtube still cant distinguish it from 720p. And that's good for you - bc I've got servers at home that you DON'T want turned on if I am pissed at you.
Only thing I can see why not to fly with a Gopro is that it doesnt give you the real feeling of flying because the FoV is so off. Despite a certain person's claim to the otherwise, a good camera (eg pixim, HADII etc) will give a better live out feed under most conditions. It kinda of surprised us, because there shouldn't have been any difference in sharpness between the two data rates, but clearly there was. Spy22nd October 2012, 05:18 AMREAL Stupid people repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat and repeat themselves and have no idea what their talking about.
May be I'm missing something, but if you try to sharpen anything post production, you will lose at least a generation of quality.
The reality is that you guys don't REALLY want the answers - you just want people to agree with you.
Kamery v ruznych produktovych radach nabizeji zejmena jednoduche ovladani a kvalitni nahravky videa v extremnich podminkach.
I gave my opinion after watching the peanut gallery try to attack Sander for offering what I consider the best advice for setting up guys for success. Naturally we were in the house and will have hands-on pics and impressions soon, check after the break to peek at a list of specs. Plny ochranny obal, ktery dostanete v baleni, brani vniknuti prachovych castic do prostoru s kamerou stejne tak jako vode.
The only problem I have now is trying to convince my wife that I actually do have a need to buy a GoPro 3. So, now you know who uses these cameras, let’s talk a bit more about the camera itself.
The top of the line Black Edition (pictured above) is capable of capturing video at up to 4K res -- if you're willing to drop the framerate down to 15fps -- however thanks to a processor it says is 2x faster, it has also doubled frame rates at lower resolutions. Diky malemu poctu tlacitek (vetsinou pouzivate jen dve) je obsluha zarizeni opravdu jednoducha.
This may be because I am a pro photographer and more used to the quality from the Canon EOS 5D Mark II but it is unfair to make any comparisons. 9:14 am October 17, 2012 By Julian Horsey Action camera manufacturer GoPro have just unveiled two new editions to the range of action cameras in the form of the new HD GoPro Hero 3 White, Silver and Black editions action cams.
I also tested the three different focal lengths (or fields of view), namely wide, medium and narrow as someone had asked if this was a genuine focal zoom or simply a digital zoom and crop. Testovana cerna edice zvlada 1080p video pri 60 fps, muzete si proto bez ztraty plynulosti az 2x zpomalit akcni nahravku ve FullHD. You've got time - your 8 minutes of fame hasn't expired yet (you're welcome, I'm in rare form today) - give us something else. SkinWalk3r17th October 2012, 10:15 AMSo what benefits would us FPVers see in the 3 over the 2. Absolutely, but of you're going to the trouble of fitting a second camera anyway, you may as well use it as a primary flight cam.
Grox22nd October 2012, 07:10 AMBecause your an idiot and you have no idea what your talking about. Compare to the gopro live video feed it sucks and you idiots are using them when flying over the city. 