Экшн камера курск, камэра,камера шегині 6.
23 Май. 2015 г.

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Notice: Please be advised that only post services such as China Post, EMS are permitted to deliver private packages to Russia.
Due to package variations from suppliers, the product packaging customers receive may be different from the images displayed.
Buyers can receive a refund and keep the item(s) once the item(s) are not as described or possess any quality issues by negotiating directly with the seller.
Note: Due to possible delay of exchange rate update, price in various currencies is for reference only. If you do not receive our reply, please kindly re-sent your email and we will reply you as soon as possible.4.

While BulkRate's intention is to offer cheaper prices when you buy in bulk, because it is priced separately it on occassions show a higher than retail price. When you use bulk rates, a flat $1.70 registered air mail fee will automatically be added to your cart to ensure delivery of package.


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